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BOBINE IN PE RIGENERATO (Polietilene Rigenerato) - Teamplast

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Product Information

  • Name: Neutral, coloured and printed spools of regenerated PE.
  • Sector: Shop
  • Features: Made from recycled materials.
  • Use: Normally used to cover machines or pallets or for non-food products packaging.

BOBINE IN PE RIGENERATO (Polietilene Rigenerato)

Le bobine in polietilene (PE) rigenerato sono disponibili in varie fasce, spessori, colori, metrature e diametri e in diversi modelli: foglia, monopiega, tubolari aperti con tagli centrali, soffietti. È possibile personalizzarli con stampe semplici o ad alta precisione fino a 8 colori.

The main feature of these items is that they are made using recovered materials from industrial waste. This makes them 100% green: from birth to disposal. The regenerated material is not very transparent and often not very constant in quality, due to the starting material. 

You can add some technical features such as micro and macro drilling and vertical pre-cutting. Regenerated polyethylene coils are generally used in industries to cover machinery or pallets or for the packaging of non-food products.